Tag : ECB


A Green QE to Rebuild Europe: Redirecting ECB’s Quantitative Easing Towards a Green Transition
De : Alain Grandjean

Catégories :
14 Mar 2016


[This call was originally published in french. Please excuse any typographical errors]

Mario Draghi brought out the big guns on Thursday the 10th of March by expanding the QE policy of the ECB (for example, the main refinancing rate is cut to zero, the amount of bonds central bankers buy each month under QE is increased by 20 billion euro, and new liquidity is provided to banks if they increase credit, etc.) This demonstrates an understandable fear of deflation which seems to be settling in. The financial markets do not seem convinced – neither are we.

ECB’s QE is not working and is harmful. We have explained why this is so earlier on this blog (fr). We deplore this all the more so as for our Central Bankers this QE policy is an unconventional idea, a “one last...


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